RICHMOND Estate Sale, 22 Meadowview Lane, off Rte 41, across from Post Office.
Saturday, October 21, 9:00-4:00. Any weather. This is an old farmhouse and barn. Contents include a buzz saw, large collection of Gravely parts and attachments, DR driveway grade, large collection of old farm equipment, great yard art, set of four tires on GMC ½ ton rims, ladder, Farmall BN tractor with sickle bar attachment, 10-inch table saw, 12-inch bandsaw, small metal lathe, large collection of sap buckets and hats, racing canoe, croquet set, tools, multi-drawer parts cabinet, snowshoes, skis, milk bottles from the Berkshires, battery chargers, vintage sleds, kitchen set, step back hutch, kitchen stuff, living room set, lift chair, collection of Hummels and Lladro figurines, Hitchcock dining room set, maple desk, maple dressers, handmade dresses from flour sacks, 9-ft, antique Brunswick pool table, cast iron parlor stove, bicycle frames and many repair parts, lamps, books, toys & puzzles, exercise equipment, caving helmets, records, electronics, Navy uniforms, glass-front bookcase, Christmas items, large collection of bird figurines, patio set, vintage porcelain lights, and much, much more. Everything must go Saturday.
If you are not feeling well, please wear a mask or wait and come to our next sale. Use care when entering the sale. Neither Berkshire County Estate Solutions nor the homeowner is responsible for any injuries.
Terms and Conditions: All sales are final. Cash or check accepted.